We Will Try to Start on Time.
Hosts will wait for players with a partner or pal who is in the process of joining as long as this is completed in a timely manner. We cannot wait for someone to join and find a partner at the last minute. Please join and start looking for a partner no later than 5 minutes before start time.
All registered players need to be in the room and at the host table by the time their game is announced. REPEATED failure to show for TCs after registering will result in being dropped from TC if not in room at closing time. HTD will monitor non-showing players for appropriate action.
*** NOTE *** Cases will not allow us to start a TC with less than 4 complete teams.
If there are not 4 completed teams at the start time, the TC will start as soon as the 4th team is finalized.
Hosts have the option to join their TC if no more than 8 teams registered.
Any disputes that arise in a game in which the host is playing,,
will be resolved by another uninvolved aHTD or admin.
*** Table 2 is the Pal Changing Table Only. ***
Table 2 does not find Pals for players. It is your responsibility to find a Pal of your choosing in the lobby.
Once you have found your pal, meet them at Table 2 to be changed to your team. Both players must confirm the change at the Pal Table.
*** Players can only play in one TC at a time. ***
Cases rules state that you may not play in more than one TC at a time. You may not join a second TC.
while still playing in a current TC, so please wait to join until you are sure you can play in it.
Exception: If you are in finals of your current TC, and you can finish and start the next TC" on time", that is acceptable.
Being "on time" means that you must start your first game in the next tourney within 5 allowed minutes of "standings are up", or you will be subject to a DQ.
You may NOT get a sub for the first TC to play in the next one.
*** Table Assignments must be made at the Host Table ***
One player per team must be at the host table to call or receive!
Please post all table calls to the host table, including both team name & table number.
Tell the Host promptly if the Opps are not responding!
From the time the Standings Are Up, or your Next Round is Ready to start, teams have up to 5 minutes to get their game started or it will be a DQ.
If your partner is not responding, you need to ask for a Sub Immediately, to ensure the game starts within 5 minutes.
If a team exceeds the allowed 5 minutes, the other team should advise the host and post the win on the table.
The Team listed first picks the table and seats in all rounds but finals.
The top team listed will pick the finals table, and the bottom team will pick the seats.
The Game starts once all four people are seated, the table has been set and the cards are opened.
If the wrong team sits and bidding has taken place, a reseat for the correct team must be given.
If the wrong team sits and bidding has NOT taken place, the correct team sits at the opened table and places their bids.
*** Table Settings***
Tables MUST be set correctly according to the format listed, or it is a reseat to the same seats.
If you are uncomfortable setting the table, please pass the setup. It is the responsibility of ALL players need to make sure the table is set correctly.
If a format has a preset setting, or bid format on the table, this MUST be used. All other formats use the setting stated by the Host.
If no settings are stated, then use Regular.
Select the number of hands as per format. If no hands are set or hands are set higher, than the format states, the game continues as set.
If hands are set to lower than the required number of hands, it will be a reseat to the same seats up until the end of Hand 1.
If Hand 2 has been dealt, the game continues as set until the table ends the game. Players remain in the same seats, press start, and manually score the remaining hands as per the format.
Do Not Change the default settings for Winning Score, Losing Score, Bag Count/Penalty, If Tie+3.
Leave Allow Nil box checked unless the format is No Nil.
Leave Blind Nil (DN) Setting Box UNCHECKED unless BN/DN is to be allowed in the format.
Do Not Change the default setting for ‘Disable BOT play’.
This box must remain checked so that bots cannot play for you if you need to reseat.
** Enabling BOT Play in a TC will result in FF of the game. **
If the table is not set correctly, it will be a reseat to the same seats.
Players have until the end of the 1st hand to ensure this is done.
If the 2nd hand is dealt, the game will proceed as set.
If your SCORE IS TIED at the end of the game, regardless of the number of bags, play three more hands, or until the game is over, whichever comes first, without reseating.
NOTE: Tables are set to "IF TIE + 3". Do not change this setting.
*** Misbids/Misplays - Renege Button***
At no time will a reseat be allowed during a TC for Misbids or Misplays.
The Renege button should be used if a player misplays or misbids and penalizes the offending team without totally disqualifying them.
The Renege button is to be used for other Alt formats without specific Safe Harbor table settings to better handle misplays. It applies only to the hand and not to the whole game.
The team that declares the Renege is scored as if their bid was set. The other team will receive their bid without any bag penalty.
It is the Players' responsibility (including pals & subs), to understand the format to be played and its rules before your first bid is made.
If you have any questions about the game that you are not sure of and there is some doubt, please bring this to the attention of the host holding the Tournament!
No reseats due to misunderstanding of format.
Table Talk is NOT allowed by players or kibitzers that will affect the outcome of the game.
Cards may not be opened during a TC game. If cards are opened, the player will be asked to close them immediately.
If a player refuses it will be a DQ.
Please be considerate of the others in your game and keep BRB's to a minimum.
BRB's will be limited to two per game per team and cannot exceed five minutes.
If you think your BRB will take longer than five minutes, please find a sub.
Please ask for HLC and try and take all BRBs at the end of the hand.
Please put BRB up on the screen so all players will know the reason for the lag.
To keep the Tournament moving along and to prevent unreasonable waits & delays, please play in a timely manner.
To avoid lag in games, please do not play ANY other games, or multitask while playing a TC game.
Hardware configuration and reliability are the player's responsibility.
Be sure to test out your computer before the tournament so that you are ready to compete on time.
If a match is being severely delayed by a player’s extreme lag for any reason, the Tournament Staff reserves the right to ask the offending player to stand.
Refusal to stand will result in the removal and disqualification of the player.
The player’s partner will then have the choice to forfeit the game immediately, or are allowed 5 minutes to find a sub.
If a sub is not found within 5 minutes the team will be disqualified.
Please note the time at the game table when a player is booted/brb.
If a player is booted, their Partner has up to 5 minutes to have a sub in place. The sub must finish the hand. The original player may return at the end of any hand.
A sub can be ANY FFA member who is not currently playing or waiting in TC regardless if they are on a team or not.
Each player is allowed 2 boots (from the room) during a TC, while actively playing in a TC game.
After the 3rd room boot, a player cannot return to the TC.
Leaving the table and immediately reseating without leaving the room is not considered a boot.
One registered player needs to be available to play TC game or it is a FF.
The player, or team that needs the SUB is responsible for finding their sub.
At NO TIME should the opposing team find a sub for that player.
Please do not report losses to Cases, this is NOT a Self-Reporting TC.
Winners should report as follows: EX: ABC/ XYZ(3) / R 1.
Reports should be made at the host table as soon as the game has ended.
The host will post the time the match was posted.
All other SHG and FFA rules apply.
***All host decisions are FINAL!!***
Please do not argue with the host's decisions as this will get you removed from the TC and possibly from future TCs.
The Host Table is considered an extension of the lobby, and FFA Code of Conduct rules apply in this public area.